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Did you know that Spanish is spoken natively in more than 20 countries in Latin America and Europe? If you plan to do business with them, visit family or even sit for an international exam in Spanish, we can help! Reach out to us at Listen & Learn and we will tell you more about our personalised online Spanish lessons.


What you will learn with us

Our courses are designed by professional, native-speaking tutors who will consider your level of proficiency and preferences when planning your lessons. For instance, you can choose, if you want, to listen to songs by great artists, like Shakira or Alejandro Sanz, or to learn by watching TV series, like La casa de papel or Elite. Either way, you won’t just memorise long lists of words or repeat phrases from old textbooks! Those who are just starting out will learn some basic phrases and vocabulary, like greetings and requests, so you can start to hold basic conversations from the very first class.


Learn the dialect you need

You can also choose the regional variety of Spanish you would like to learn. For instance, a t-shirt is called “remera” in Argentina, “playera” in Mexico and “camiseta” in Spain. Quite the difference, right? Don’t worry, your tutor will target your learning journey, so you acquire the vocabulary most relevant to your goals. And if you wish to acquire a more “general” Spanish, that’s also possible: your syllabus will be designed for you to acquire the skills to be understood wherever you go. Contact us today to get started!


Why take online Spanish lessons?

  • Flexibility. Our courses are completely personalised to suit your learning pace and busy schedule. In case you need to reschedule a class, you can do so with just one business day’s notice.
  • Possibility of recording the lesson to review it later. Plus, you don’t need a lot of complicated software or tools. Just download Skype to your computer or smartphone and you’re ready to start!
  • Study alone or in a group. We offer small-group sessions with up to 8 friends, co-workers or family members

These are completely free and will take no more than 15 minutes


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Top Tips For…

spanish Books


Como Agua para Chocolate - Laura Esquivel

Reading a novel will certainly be more interesting than a glossy textbook, and it will help accelerate your learning by providing you with rich vocabulary. Thus, a novel like “Como Agua para Chocolate”, for example, will greatly appeal, especially if you would like to know more about one of the most important aspects of Mexican culture: its food. Each chapter is titled for a month of the year and starts with a Mexican recipe, like tacos or burritos. This is a coming-of-age story that follows Tita, a woman who wants to become independent from her traditional family. Read this novel if you’re looking for a story of love and self-discovery while learning a lot of Spanish! Read more about the book here!

spanish Books

Nada - Carmen Laforet

If you are looking to improve your Spanish vocabulary and reading skills, there’s nothing better than to grab a cosy blanket, a drink and lose yourself in “Nada” by Carmen Laforet (the writer’s first novel!). This classic Spanish novel was published in 1945 and takes place in post-civil war Madrid, exploring the hardships and poverty faced by most people living in the city at the time through the eyes of Andrea, who leaves the Canary Islands to live with her grandmother in Barcelona. Read “Nada” and you will learn a lot about Spanish history and culture while improving your language skills, including your vocabulary and grammar. Read more about the book here!

La Ciudad de las Bestias - Isabel Allende

“La Ciudad de las Bestias” is a gripping book of more than 400 pages that tells the story of Alexander Cold, a teenager who travels across the Amazon rainforest looking for his ancestors. During his trip, he encounters a magical beast that helps him to achieve his objectives while learning valuable lessons. Read this novel and you’ll not only broaden your knowledge of the language but also you will expand your mind and challenge your comprehension skills. Just consider that “La Ciudad de las Bestias” is not an easy read, as it includes quite complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, so the book is best suited for upper-intermediate students. Read more about the book here!

spanish Youtube Channels



If you are looking for a Youtuber who talks about fashion in a fun, relaxed way, then Yuya’s channel is the one for you. The videos started by talking exclusively about makeup, but today they include topics like clothing, beauty and style. Soon, you’ll be picking up vocabulary related to styling your hair, like “peinar”, “rizar”, “planchar” and more! And don’t forget to access the comments section, where you will find a lot of text in Spanish and can ask the YouTuber specific questions about her videos. Click here to subscribe.

spanish Youtube Channels

Hey, Soy Priscilla

Listening to native Spanish speakers is crucial to increase your skills and understanding of different accents. And while it might be hard to find native speakers in the place you live, you can always watch YouTubers like Hey Soy Priscilla, an influencer from Mexico who talks about food, fashion and healthy lifestyles. She speaks very slowly and clearly, so a lot of her videos will allow you to capture her lip and mouth movements, making it easier to understand what she’s saying. And don’t forget, you can watch and rewind content to make sure you pick up some useful vocabulary! Check out her videos here!

Alex Tienda

Alex Tienda is a travel vlogger from Mexico who loves showing his followers all the fabulous places he visits around the world. Not only will you improve your Spanish skills, but you’ll also get to know more about the world and some amazing places to travel. You can also follow Alex’s Facebook page if you want to engage with his followers and practise reading in Spanish, too. He has an easy-going style and uses a lot of Spanish slang, so while it might be a challenge for absolute beginners, you can always use the subtitles to clarify any doubts. Check out this videos here!

spanish Sports


Knowing About Messi or Maradona Will Help You Learn Spanish

There’s no better way to achieve fluency in a language and develop your receptive skills than by watching or listening to something you enjoy. For example, are you a soccer fan? Then, you are in luck because soccer is one of the most popular sports in most Spanish-speaking countries, meaning you can literally follow hundreds of teams, ligas and players. Some of the most famous football players in the world are Argentinian (like Messi or Maradona), so it’s a great idea to learn some terms in Spanish (like “es una bestia” or “siempre elude la marca”) to bond with locals about their idols! Click here to know more about Messi!

spanish Sports

Regional Soccer Varieties

Are you visiting Spain or a Latin American country soon? Then, it would be a good idea to learn a bit about soccer. You will surely catch the locals’ attention by talking about their passion! For example, you’ll find millions of fans in Argentina or Colombia. But watch out: with soccer being so popular in Latin America, there is a lot of regional variation in the words and terms used to describe aspects of the sport. For example, a referee can be called árbitro or referí, the ball can be pelota, bola or balón and the football boot can be zapatilla, botín or bota. Click here to know more about Colombian soccer!

Take a Trivia to Test Your Knowledge

Would you like to know more about Spanish soccer vocabulary and facts? Then, you can take a trivia in Spanish to test your knowledge about the teams that play in La Liga. Some of the questions are related to the most popular stadiums around Spain, the players, and slang used to describe the matches. For example, did you know that the expression le dio una leña means that a player just fouled his opponent in a very nasty way? You can even share the results with your friends in your social media networks and show off how proficient you are in Spanish! Check out the trivia here!

spanish Apps


Argentina Salud

If you are planning to travel to Argentina, there are many aspects you should consider before departing. One of them is healthcare and knowing where to go and how to get there if you have an issue. Luckily, Argentina Salud makes this easy! You can download it for free to find the healthcare centres nearest to your location, find out what types of services they offer and their contact information. Also, you can access emergency numbers in Argentina and information about first-aid and required/recommended vaccinations. The app is only available in Spanish, so this is a great time to put your skills into practice while taking care of your health! You can check out the app here!

spanish Apps


Wisuki is the perfect app for people who love sports and outdoor activities, such as surfing. If that’s the case for you, you will find forecasts for tides, wind and weather in general, so you know if the conditions will be favourable to carry out your favourite activities, like kitesurfing or sailing. Every user can use the app to collaborate and confirm whether the information it displays is correct. The app also includes a forum where you can contact other users and discuss your favourite topics, which is a great way to put your Spanish skills to use and meet like-minded people! Learn more about the app here!


Are you a visual learner who wants to improve their Spanish? If so, Mosalingua app can be of help! It has a built-in list of beautiful flashcards which are categorised into various topics (like Food, Furniture, the City, and more) you can choose from to test your vocabulary and increase your retention. In addition to the stylish drawings, you can also listen to audio recordings by native speakers to make sure you don’t mispronounce the new words you encounter. And, if you need more explanations, you can browse the app and look for the Spanish grammar rules section, which is very well crafted! Download the app by clicking here.

spanish Comedy


El Día de la Bestia

Are you looking to supplement your Spanish learning with fun activities you can do in your spare time? Then you should watch El Dia de la Bestia, a comedy that is today considered a cult Spanish movie. It’s a very peculiar Christmas story in which a priest thinks he has discovered a secret message about the coming apocalypse. By watching this hilarious movie by Alex de la Iglesia, you’ll not only laugh but also learn a lot about Spanish culture and slang terms, which will be useful when you interact with native speakers. Read more about this hilarious movie here.

spanish Comedy

Kiki, el Amor se Hace

Undoubtedly, being entertained while learning positively influences our foreign language development. Our brains pick up new words and structures very easily because of the fun and relaxing context. So, why not take advantage of this and watch good Spanish comedy to increase your listening skills while learning about the language’s cultures and some useful conversational phrases? One great movie to watch is Kiki, el Amor se Hace, where you’ll observe 5 interconnected stories that take place during a summer in Madrid, where the protagonists explore their capacity to love and be loved in a very fun, entertaining way. Learn more about the movie here.

El Otro Lado de la Cama

El Otro Lado de la Cama is a fun Spanish comedy you must watch if you are a fan of the genre. This is a very successful musical comedy that follows different couples being unfaithful to each other in hilarious situations. Emilio Martínez-Lázaro is the director of this movie that describes love and human relationships in a natural fun way, without any prejudice. The actors that perform in this comedy come from different regions of Spain (like el País Vasco or Galicia), so watching it will help you to improve your listening skills and comprehension of different accents as well. Click here to know more about this hilarious film.


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